
Study puts Huntington's disease trials on TRACK

(Medical Xpress)—A three-year multinational study has tracked and detailed the progression of Huntington's disease (HD), predicting clinical decline in people carrying the HD gene more than 10 years before the expected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Test-taking may improve learning in people of all ages

Older adults who haven't been in school for a while are as capable of learning from tests as younger adults and college students, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.


Study: Relaxation good therapy for hot flushes

Women who have undergone group therapy and learned to relax have reduced their menopausal troubles by half, according to results of a study at Linköping University and Linköping University Hospital in Sweden.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's sufferers may function better with less visual clutter

Psychologists at the University of Toronto and the Georgia Institute of Technology – commonly known as Georgia Tech – have shown that an individual's inability to recognize once-familiar faces and objects may have as ...


Moderate iPad use won't keep teens up at night

(Medical Xpress)—Teenagers who use an iPad for an hour before bed are still likely to get a good night's sleep, new research from Flinders University shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New intervention helps teens deal with their emotions through music

(Medical Xpress)—Using music to engage with and educate young people about their emotions, and how to tolerate and regulate their strong emotional states, is the focus of a new intervention developed by University of Queensland ...

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