Psychology & Psychiatry

Better research is needed to understand why elders are happier

(Medical Xpress) -- Older people tend to be happier. But why? Some psychologists believe that cognitive processes are responsible—in particular, focusing on and remembering positive events and leaving behind negative ...


'BINGO!' game helps researchers study perception deficits

Bingo, a popular activity in nursing homes, senior centers and assisted-living facilities, has benefits that extend well beyond socializing. Researchers found high-contrast, large bingo cards boost thinking and playing skills ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

3 Questions: John Gabrielli on studying traumatic memories

Starting just days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, MIT neuroscientist John Gabrieli (who was then at Stanford University) and colleagues around the country undertook a large-scale survey of how people remembered ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Seeing isn't believing

Pay attention! It's a universal warning, which implies that keeping close watch helps us perceive the world more accurately. But a new study by Yale University cognitive psychologists Brandon Liverence and Brian Scholl finds ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How media can encourage our better side

(Medical Xpress) -- Violent media -- films, TV, videogames -- can encourage aggression, and lots of research says so. But psychologists haven't spent as much time looking at the ways media with more socially positive content ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxious searchers miss multiple objects

A person scanning baggage or X-rays stands a better chance of seeing everything they're searching for if they aren't feeling anxious, according to a new laboratory experiment.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Sleep on it' is excellent, science-based advice, study finds

(Medical Xpress) -- In recent years, much sleep research has focused on memory, but now results of a new study by University of Massachusetts Amherst psychologist Rebecca Spencer and colleagues suggest another key effect ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eggs, butter, milk -- memory is not just a shopping list

Often, the goal of science is to show that things are not what they seem to be. But now, in an article which will be published in an upcoming issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for ...

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