Psychology & Psychiatry

Traditional PTSD therapy doesn't trigger drug relapse

About a quarter of people with drug or alcohol use disorders also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is typically caused by a traumatic or stressful life event such as rape or combat, and which leaves ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Philosophy lab test' finds objective vision impossible

Johns Hopkins University researchers who study the mind and brain used methods from cognitive science to test a long-standing philosophical question: Can people see the world objectively?


Like a treasure map, brain region emphasizes reward location

We are free to wander but usually when we go somewhere it's for a reason. In a new study, researchers at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory show that as we pursue life's prizes a region of the brain tracks our ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the heart affects our perception

The heart and brain communicate constantly. For example, when encountering a dangerous situation, signals from the brain ensure that the heart beats faster. When relaxing, the heart slows down. Interestingly, the heartbeat ...


State of mind: The end of personality as we know it

We all have our varying mental emphases, inclinations, and biases. These individual dispositions are dynamic in that they can change over time and context. In a study published today in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences, ...

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