Medical research

Protein analysis for personalised medicine

New knowledge about proteins helps researchers develop innovative solutions for clinical practice, for example to the benefit of patients with Parkinsons's disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New method to identify causal mechanisms in depression

People with major depressive disorder have alterations in the activity and connectivity of brain systems underlying reward and memory, according to a new study in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds infection and schizophrenia symptom link

If a mother's immune system is activated by infection during pregnancy, it could result in critical cognitive deficits linked to schizophrenia in her offspring, a University of Otago study has revealed.


How your BMI might affect your brain function

There are plenty of reasons it's important to maintain a healthy weight, and now you can add one more to the list: It may be good for your brain.

Medical research

Age-related cognitive decline tied to immune-system molecule

A blood-borne molecule that increases in abundance as we age blocks regeneration of brain cells and promotes cognitive decline, suggests a new study by researchers at UC San Francisco and Stanford School of Medicine.

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