Psychology & Psychiatry

How the mind processes complex spatial information

Northwestern University's David H. Uttal will discuss a program that has enhanced students' learning at a variety of levels, from basic spatial reasoning to solving complex problems involving the coordination of numerous ...


Dopamine helps with math rules as well as mood

The chemical messenger dopamine – otherwise known as the happiness hormone – is important not only for motivation and motor skills. It seems it can also help neurons with difficult cognitive tasks. Torben Ott, Simon Jacob ...


Damage to brain 'hubs' causes extensive impairment

Injuries to six brain areas are much more devastating to patients' abilities to think and adapt to everyday challenges than damage to other parts of the brain, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gaming benefits to be proven in new study

Video gamers are better at multitasking and maintaining concentration than the average population, upcoming WA research hopes to prove.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Jury still out on routine dementia screening for seniors

(HealthDay)—There's not yet enough evidence to support screening all older adults for dementia or a less severe condition called "mild cognitive impairment," according to a statement released Monday by the influential U.S. ...

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