Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women report complications from Essure birth control

Angie Derry knew that her Essure implants were designed to remain inside her body forever. But two years after a doctor inserted the tiny coils into her fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy, the Rockford, Ill., woman wants ...


Transcranial stimulation to prevent fear memories from returning

A research group from the University of Bologna has succeeded in modifying the negative effect of a returning memory that triggers fear, and developed a new non-invasive experimental protocol. The result of this study, published ...


Aneurysms may recur years after endovascular treatment

Endovascular treatment (EVT) of intracranial aneurysm is effective in preventing long-term bleeding, but may be followed by aneurysm recurrences in a significant proportion of cases, according to a new magnetic resonance ...


Are mosquito coils good or bad for our health?

The sight and smell of smouldering mosquito coils is a mainstay of summer. But is all that smoke really keeping away the swarms of mosquitoes, and is breathing in the smoke worse than mosquito bites for our health?

Radiology & Imaging

Making MRI scans safer for kids

When it comes to medical imaging, pediatric radiologist and biomedical engineer Shreyas Vasanawala knows that kids aren't the same as adults.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The Medical Minute: Pipes in the brain as treatment for aneurysms

Brain aneurysms are balloon-like out-pouchings that can develop off of brain arteries. Like balloons, these out-pouchings can burst causing a devastating type of stroke as blood leaks in and around the brain. Many years ago ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tiny coils improve quality of life for patients with severe emphysema

The minimally invasive implantation of tiny coils into the lungs improves exercise ability, lung function and quality of life for patients with severe emphysema, according to a large international trial presented by researchers ...


A new hope in treating neurodegenerative disease

A research team led by Professor Sung Bae Lee of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Professor Daehee Hwang of New Biology (vice-head of the Plant Age and Life Research Group, IBS) has identified the early neuropathological ...

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A coil is a series of loops. A coiled coil is a structure in which the coil itself is in turn also looping.

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