
Why do I need to pee more in the cold?

You're taking a stroll through the park on a cold winter's morning, when it hits you—the need to find a bathroom, and quick! This didn't used to happen in summer.


It's cold. Put on a hat. Seriously.

It's a chorus repeated frequently by parents to their children during cold weather: "Where are your hat and gloves? Why don't you have your coat on and zipped up?"


Practical tips for a healthier winter

Many people dread the dark days of winter. Having to spend time indoors can bring on the blues, and close quarters can increase the risk of catching a cold or flu. Dr. Brent Bauer, a Mayo Clinic internal medicine specialist, ...


Caring for your heart is critical during the winter months

We may be starting the new year with mild temperatures, but we still have a long stretch of winter months ahead. As the temperatures inevitably turn more seasonable, it's important to keep up with your health, especially ...

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