Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Diabetes makes bones less bendable, more prone to fracture

Besides impairing cardiovascular and kidney function, Type 2 diabetes is known to be a risk factor for bone fractures – but exactly how diabetes makes bones more fragile has been unclear.

Medical research

Collagen a key player in breast cancer metastasis

Collagen type XII plays a key role in regulating the organization of the tumor matrix, reveals a new study from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. A team of scientists led by Associate Professor Thomas Cox, Head of ...

Medical research

Researchers getting closer to growing a human heart

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers in Spain, led by doctor Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, are blazing a trail in bioengineering that could result, the Wall Street Journal reports, in human hearts, or parts of them, being grown in ...


Design prevents buildup of scar tissue around medical implants

Implantable devices that release insulin into the body hold promise as an alternative way to treat diabetes without insulin injections or cannula insertions. However, one obstacle that has prevented their use so far is that ...

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