Psychology & Psychiatry

5 things to look for on a college campus that benefit mental health

Researchers have studied college students' mental health for decades. Even in the 1920s, it was clear that the many stresses of higher education—like academic demands, post-graduation plans and financial concerns—wear ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

College social life can predict well-being at midlife

It's well known that being socially connected promotes a person's overall and psychological health. A new study from the University of Rochester now shows that the quantity of social interactions a person has at 20—and ...


Religion associated with HPV vaccination rate for college women

It's been more than a decade since a vaccine was introduced to prevent contraction of human papillomavirus (HPV), the most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ...


Genders communicate consent to sex differently

(Medical Xpress)—A University of Arkansas researcher's work on the way men and women communicate their consent to have sex could lead to improved sexual assault prevention programs on college campuses.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hold the extra burgers and fries when people pleasers arrive

If you are a people-pleaser who strives to keep your social relationships smooth and comfortable, you might find yourself overeating in certain social situations like Super Bowl watch parties. A new study from Case Western ...

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