Psychology & Psychiatry

Job interest not a big predictor of job satisfaction

Most people closing in on a high school or college degree, and even those casting their career fates without a diploma, at some point take an interest assessment to help determine how their interests relate to different jobs. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Should college students go home for the holidays?

Thanksgiving is traditionally an intimate gathering of family and friends. And, for college students, the fall break in semester is an opportunity to travel home to see the family for a few days. With COVID-19 cases increasing ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Minority patients with rheumatic diseases have worse COVID-19 outcomes

New research at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology's annual meeting, reveals that people of color with rheumatic disease have worse health outcomes from COVID-19 infection, are more likely to be hospitalized ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pandemic partying: Some students party, others turn them in

College students across Florida are packing bars off campus and private parties while breaking rules about wearing masks and maintaining social distance during the fall semester – and other students themselves are often ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

LGBTQ+ campus centers 'more important than ever' argue scholars

'Essential services' is a phrase that has become commonplace in the era of COVID-19. In a new commentary piece, scholars from Lehigh University and Ohio State University argue that LGBTQ+ college and university campus resource ...

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