
Previous mental distress may slow concussion recovery

(HealthDay)—Athletes may take longer to recover after a concussion if they had psychosomatic symptoms—aches and pains caused by mental distress—before their head injury, new research suggests.


Why do college-aged young adults use e-cigarettes?

Numerous studies have examined the reasons adults use e-cigarettes. But what drives another important group—college-aged young adults—to use them? Turns out, like most things they are known to try, it's for enjoyment.


How pipeline programs can increase diversity in dentistry

The field of dentistry has a diversity problem. Despite calls for a more diverse workforce, only 15.2 percent of dental school applicants in 2016 were underrepresented minorities, according to the American Dental Education ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being ignored online or in person, it's still exclusion

People who are excluded by others online, such as on Facebook, may feel just as bad as if they had been excluded in person, according to researchers at Penn State and Misericordia University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

College drinking may aggravate PTSD symptoms

(HealthDay)—College students with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are likely to drink more alcohol than other students, potentially worsening their symptoms and leading them to drink even more, new research suggests.

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