Oncology & Cancer

Study: Colonoscopy after 75 may not be worth it

(HealthDay)—A colonoscopy can find and remove cancerous growths in the colon, but it may not provide much cancer prevention benefit after the age of 75, a new study suggests.

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds stool test effective for detecting colon cancer

(HealthDay)—Tests for blood in the stool can consistently detect colon cancer when used on an annual basis, and they are effective even in the second, third and fourth years of screening, a new study says.

Oncology & Cancer

'Scoring system' may spot those in greatest need of colonoscopy

(HealthDay)— Colonoscopy can save lives, but experts agree that testing rates remain too low. Now, researchers say a special scoring system might point to those people at highest risk for colon cancer, who may need the ...

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