Oncology & Cancer

Potential treatment target for KRAS-mutated colon cancer found

Researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center have identified a new potential strategy for treating colon tumors driven by mutations in the KRAS gene, which usually resist both conventional and targeted ...

Oncology & Cancer

A silver bullet to beat cancer?

The internet is awash with stories of how silver can be used to treat cancer. Now, lab tests have shown that it is as effective as the leading chemotherapy drug - and may have fewer side-effects.

Oncology & Cancer

Compounds in mate tea induce death in colon cancer cells

Could preventing colon cancer be as simple as developing a taste for yerba mate tea? In a recent University of Illinois study, scientists showed that human colon cancer cells die when they are exposed to the approximate number ...

Oncology & Cancer

A gene that protects against colorectal cancers

The research team in France has developed an animal model carrying a mutation of the DCC gene. Mice carrying the mutation develop tumours, because this gene can no longer induce the death of the cancer cells. This discovery ...

Oncology & Cancer

Technologies give high-resolution 'snapshot' of cancer tissues

(Medical Xpress) -- Stanford researchers have melded tools and technologies from engineering, computer science and stem cell biology to analyze hundreds of individual cancer cells and draw the most accurate portrait yet of ...

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