Oncology & Cancer

Versatile cancer drugs

Medications that block enzymes belonging to the kinase family are among the most effective pharmaceuticals for targeted cancer therapies. Scientists at the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) at the Technical University of Munich ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new role for an old protein in breast cancer

Scientists led by Dr Chris Toseland of the University's School of Biosciences studied a protein called Myosin VI, a molecular motor which acts as a courier to transport other proteins within our cells. Myosin VI is highly ...


Researchers find model system to study promising cancer drug

Researchers have found that the budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is an acceptable model system to study KP1019, an anti-cancer drug that uses ruthenium, a rare metal, a new study found. Researchers had previously ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic modifier affects colon tumor formation

(Medical Xpress)—Unexpected results from an ongoing experiment in the lab of Kristi Neufeld, co-leader of the Cancer Biology Program at the University of Kansas Cancer Center, led to a potentially important discovery that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Using computer models to predict more effective therapies

Scientist at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have used a computer simulation for predicting the effectiveness of various combination therapies for colon tumors. The study has been published in the current issue of ...

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