Inflammatory disorders

Scientists reveal mechanism for colon pain and inflammation

Researchers at the NYU Pain Research Center have identified a mechanism that underlies inflammation and pain in the colon, and demonstrated that blocking a key receptor from entering colon cells can inhibit inflammation and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Immunotherapy to shrink treatment-resistant cancer tumors

Advancements in cancer research and treatment have resulted in great improvements in survival rates—today, there are almost 17 million people in the United States alone who have survived their diagnosis because of the physicians ...

Oncology & Cancer

Frankincense tested as possible breast, colon cancer treatment

Cancer surgeon and researcher Nancy DeMore is leading a clinical trial using frankincense to try to treat breast and colon cancer at the Medical University of South Carolina. The study was inspired by a research specialist ...

Oncology & Cancer

Possible link between bacterium, colon cancer found

For the first time, a specific microorganism has been found to be associated with human colorectal cancer. In two studies published online today in Genome Research, independent research teams have identified Fusobacterium ...

Oncology & Cancer

Restricting a key cellular nutrient could slow tumor growth

Remove tumor cells from a living organism and place them in a dish, and they will multiply even faster than before. The mystery of why this is has long stumped cancer researchers, though many have simply focused on the mutations ...

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical importance of leukemia stem cells validated

Cancer scientists have long debated whether all cells within a tumour are equal or whether some cancer cells are more potent - a question that has been highly investigated in experimental models in the last decade. Research ...

Oncology & Cancer

How gut inflammation sparks colon cancer

Chronic inflammation in the gut increases the risk of colon cancer by as much as 500 percent, and now Duke University researchers think they know why.

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