Oncology & Cancer

Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 46 and had my first colonoscopy last month. The doctor said everything looked good, although he removed a few polyps. Can you explain what a colon polyp is and if should I be concerned?

Oncology & Cancer

Improved CRC outcomes with recent colonoscopy in IBD

For patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colonoscopy within three years prior to colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis is associated with early tumor stage at diagnosis, according to a study published online Feb. 27 ...

Oncology & Cancer

Video: Prepare for colon cancer screening with confidence

A colonoscopy is an exam used to detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine, or colon, and rectum. It's an important exam that's performed to check for colon cancer. But some would agree that preparing for the ...

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