US approves new once-a-day pill to treat HIV (Update)

A new pill to treat HIV infection—combining two previously approved drugs plus two new ones—has been approved for adults living with the virus that causes AIDS, US regulators said Monday.


FDA approves first diabetes-cholesterol combo pill

(AP) -- The first combination pill for the millions of people with the dangerous combination of diabetes and high cholesterol won U.S. approval Friday, offering convenience - and savings - to patients taking multiple pills.


FDA backs Vytorin for kidney disease patients

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration says Merck's cholesterol drug Vytorin helps reduce heart attack, stroke and related problems in patients with kidney disease, a potential new use for the blockbuster drug.


The pill does not lead to weight gain

Many young women do not want to start taking the contraceptive pill because they are worried that they will put on weight, or come off it because they think that they have gained weight because of it. However, a thesis from ...

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