Autism spectrum disorders

Autism, development delay often missed in Hispanics

(Medical Xpress)—Hispanic children often have undiagnosed developmental delays and large numbers of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic children who first were thought to have developmental delay actually had autism, researchers ...


Trying to quit smoking? Try eating more fruits and vegetables

(Medical Xpress) -- If you're trying to quit smoking, eating more fruits and vegetables may help you quit and stay tobacco-free for longer, according to a new study published online by University at Buffalo public health ...


Different ages need different risk messages, research finds

(Medical Xpress) -- From emergency evacuation notices to how many vegetables to eat, people need good information to make good choices. Ineffective risk communication, such as the drug warning inserts in tiny type on paper ...


When it comes to college hookups, more is said than done

College students talk about hooking up -- a lot. In fact, they talk about it much more than it actually happens, and they believe other students are having the encounters more often than they actually are, as a new study ...

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