
Authors say vaccine advocates must harness power of story

You know that old saw about how doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result constitutes insanity? Well, a new paper by researchers in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas ...


The long-sought cure to Huntington's disease

The current lack of a treatment proven effective against 'Huntington's disease' (HD) is leaving one in every 10 000 people with psychiatric, movement, feeding and communication problems that are very difficult to live with. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Child coordination disorder ups risk of mental health issues

(HealthDay) -- Children with probable developmental coordination disorder (DCD) at age 7 have a significantly increased risk of depression and mental health difficulties at age 10, according to a study published online March ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The dangers of 'overparenting'

(Medical Xpress)—Are you that parent who writes your child's essays, cover letters and job applications? Do you call in to encourage employers to give your son or daughter a strong look? If so, you may be doing yourself ...

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