
Detection of critical heart disease before birth lags among poor

Parents-to-be often look forward to prenatal ultrasounds, when they get the first glimpse of their baby and perhaps learn their child's sex. Ultrasound technology also allows for the detection of birth defects and other abnormalities ...


From electronic brains to the power of the mind...

The EU budget has provided more than EUR 1.9 billion for brain research since the start of the current EU framework programme for research, FP7, in 2007. This has funded more than 1200 projects with more than 1500 participants ...


Assistive technologies market growing rapidly in US

Assistive technology research and commercialization needs to greatly speed up, said the executive director of Assistive Technology Partners (ATP), because the demand for devices to help people with disabilities and the elderly ...


HIT essential to disaster support, recovery

A new article titled, "An HIT Solution for Clinical Care and Disaster Planning: How One Health Center in Joplin, MO, Survived a Tornado and Avoided a Health Information Disaster," by the Geiger Gibson /RCHN Community Health ...

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