
FDA outlines path for lower-priced biotech drugs

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is preparing to review the first lower-cost versions of biotech drugs, expensive medications which have never before faced generic competition.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Closing the gender gap in competitiveness with a psychological trick

Women are still disadvantaged in society, particularly professionally. They are frequently paid less than men and find it more difficult to have a successful career. One reason for this may be the fact that women are observed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exercise can fast-track your workplace well-being – here's how

Exercise has been found to reduce stress, increase positive mood, decrease anxiety and alleviate depression. But you may not know that the emotional well-being associated with exercise is also linked to key attributes that ...

Medical research

Cell competition may explain cancer relapses, research suggests

A normal process called cell competition, in which healthy tissues eliminate unhealthy cells, could be responsible for cancer relapses in patients months or years after they were declared cancer-free, a new study by UT Southwestern ...


EU approves merger of Pfizer off-patent unit and Mylan

The European Commission on Wednesday authorised a merger of US drug giant Pfizer's off-patent business unit with the pharmaceutical company Mylan to create a global powerhouse for lower-cost medicines.


State deregulation of open-heart surgery beneficial to patients

(Medical Xpress)—Certificate of Need, a form of state government regulation designed to keep mortality rates and health care costs down, appears to do neither for heart bypass surgery, according to a health economics researcher ...


Fearing abuse, US blocks generic OxyContin (Update)

U.S. health regulators will require generic versions of the best-selling painkiller OxyContin to include recent formulation changes designed to make the pill harder to abuse.

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