Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Importance of screening breathing patterns in athletic populations

Dysfunctional breathing patterns are associated with a high risk of musculoskeletal conditions, resulting in poor physical performance. Now, a study by researchers in Japan has found that among athletes across age groups, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Athlete mental health was sacrificed during Beijing 2022 Olympics

In a recent letter, Richard Pound, the longest-serving member of the International Olympic Committee, claimed that "the IOC is athlete-centered," insisting the Olympics "can—and do—make the world a better place."


Should people with heart disease exercise?

It might seem that a steady regimen of rest and relaxation is the best course of action for someone with heart disease, but staying active is essential for the heart and overall health. Elijah Behr, M.D., a cardiologist at ...


Future pandemics targeted by new Oxford research center

Oxford University is launching an effort to bring together academic, industry and government experts from around the world to use the lessons learned from COVID-19 in the fight against future pandemics.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

More youth report concussions since 2016, study shows

Educating athletes, parents and coaches about concussion treatment and prevention has been a priority during the last decade, but are the intended audiences hearing the message?

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Does it matter what position you play when it comes to CTE?

A position played in collision sports like football and hockey may not raise an athlete's risk for developing brain disease later. Researchers found no link between the position played by football and hockey players, nor ...


Clues for improving sleep in visually impaired athletes

Sleep is very important for athletes, and sleep loss can affect physical performance and cognitive ability. But now, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have identified the prevalence of sleep disorders in visually ...

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