Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study quantifies seizure risk from stimulating thalamus in awake mice

The idea of electrically stimulating a brain region called the central thalamus has gained traction among researchers and clinicians because it can help arouse subjects from unconscious states induced by traumatic brain injury ...


Neuroscientists release state-of-the-art spike-sorting software

How do researchers make sense of the mountains of data collected from recording the simultaneous activity of hundreds of neurons? Neuroscientists all over the world rely on Kilosort, software that enables them to tease apart ...


Neural prosthetic device can help humans restore memory

A team of scientists from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Southern California (USC) have demonstrated the first successful use of a neural prosthetic device to recall specific memories.


Q&A: Building models of the brain to take them apart

Kanaka Rajan describes herself as an ever-curious, "stick-my-finger-in-the-electrical-socket kind of person" who enjoys working with her hands. Forays into engineering and experimental neuroscience led Rajan to her true calling: ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our tastes influence our creativity

The more we like our ideas, the faster we give them shape. But to be creative, we need to focus on out-of-the-box thinking. This is what Alizée Lopez-Persem and Emmanuelle Volle, Inserm researchers at Paris Brain Institute, ...

Medical research

Studying consciousness without affecting it

Studies of consciousness often run into a common conundrum of science—it's hard to measure a system without the measurement affecting the system. Researchers assessing consciousness, for instance as volunteers receive anesthesia, ...

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