Psychology & Psychiatry

Phantom-limb pain reduced through brain power

Phantom-limb pain is as mysterious as the name implies. The vast majority of amputees experience "phantom-limb" sensations that make them feel their missing limb is still part of their body. The cause is still unknown, and ...


Imagined movements can alter our brains

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) work on the principle that measurable changes in electrical brain activity occur just by thinking about performing a task. Signals can be read, evaluated, and then converted into control signals ...


How the brain dials up the volume to hear someone in a crowd

Our brains have a remarkable ability to pick out one voice from among many. Now, a team of Columbia University neuroengineers has uncovered the steps that take place in the brain to make this feat possible. Today's discovery ...


Neurotechnology holds promise for chronic stroke patients

Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, Geneva, Switzerland—Personalized neurotechnology-aided rehabilitation of the arm could improve recovery in severe chronic stroke patients according to a new paper published today ...

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