Medical research

How mechanical forces nudge tumors toward malignancy

All cancers are the result of cells that have gone haywire, multiplying out of control and expanding beyond their normal constraints. But not all tumors are the same: for reasons that remain poorly understood, some are more ...

Medical research

Artificial womb improves survival rates for the very smallest

An artificial womb to enhance the chances for survival and quality of life of extremely premature babies by mimicking the conditions of a real womb. Whereas a year ago during the Dutch Design Week there was only an initial ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ultraviolet light has bright future in fight against COVID-19

A particular type of ultraviolet light known as far-UVC could be safely used for air disinfection in public places without harming people, according to new research carried out jointly at the University of St Andrews and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

GCS centres support research to mitigate impact of COVID-19 pandemic

In December 2019, the world learned of a new and deadly pathogen. News coming out of Wuhan, China confirmed public health experts' worst fears—a novel coronavirus appeared to have jumped from animals to humans. It was extremely ...

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