Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows how empathy can be socially transmitted

Prof. Dr. Grit Hein's latest assessments of empathic abilities once again challenge the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." It seems that not only children but also adults can adopt empathic responses from ...

Overweight & Obesity

When teens focus on TV, obesity risk rises

(HealthDay)—It's not how much time teens spend watching TV but how intensely they watch that adds on the pounds, new research suggests.


Active, outdoor teens are happier teens: study

(HealthDay) -- Teens who engaged in more moderate-to-vigorous outdoor activity reported better health and social functioning than their peers who spent hours in front of television and computer screens, a new study in Australia ...


Conquer 'lag,' rise early: Science solves sleep

Summer is winding down, but for those still in travel mode can jet lag be overcome? And for those heading back to school and early mornings, is it possible to rise AND shine? Simon Fraser University researcher Jay Olson has ...

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