
Concussions linked to erectile dysfunction in former NFL players

Former professional football players who have experienced concussion symptoms, including loss of consciousness, disorientation or nausea after a head injury, are more likely to report low testosterone and erectile dysfunction ...


Can light therapy help improve mood in people with concussion?

People with mild traumatic brain injury who are exposed to early morning blue light therapy may experience a decrease in depression and other concussion symptoms, according to a preliminary study released today that will ...


Previous mental distress may slow concussion recovery

(HealthDay)—Athletes may take longer to recover after a concussion if they had psychosomatic symptoms—aches and pains caused by mental distress—before their head injury, new research suggests.


Lack of sleep, stress can lead to symptoms resembling concussion

A new study suggests that a lot of people might be going through life with symptoms that resemble concussion—a finding supporting researchers' argument that athletes recovering from a brain injury should be assessed and ...

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