The unexpected effects of the HIV prevention pill

On a brilliant blue California morning, an ambulance idles up San Francisco's Castro Street. A small rainbow flag flutters from its antenna while its speakers blare:


Aspirin could reduce HIV infections in women

With nearly two million new infections and one million associated deaths each year, the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) pandemic is alive and well. Thirty-seven million people are now living with HIV, more than half of ...


Self-lubricating latex could boost condom use: study

A perpetually unctuous, self-lubricating latex developed by a team of scientists in Boston could boost the use of condoms, they reported Wednesday in the journal Royal Society Open Science.


Pyeongchang sets Winter Olympic record - for condoms

This month's Winter Olympics in South Korea will set a record even before the first athlete comes out of a starting gate, organisers said Thursday—for the largest number of free condoms handed out at a Winter Games.


PrEP: A shield against AIDS

"It's magic," said Francois, smiling. "Every time I take a pill I think about the people who aren't so lucky as to have this option."

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