Rights group, worried about HIV, urges Philippines action

A human rights group says the Philippines is facing one of the fastest growing epidemics of HIV in the Asia Pacific, fueled by government policies that restrict intervention, including access to condoms by men who have sex ...


Sex and BC East Asian teenagers

A new study by University of British Columbia researchers shows that although 90 per cent of East Asian adolescents in British Columbia are not sexually active, those who are may engage in high-risk sexual behaviours.


FDA won't regulate Pa. birth control machine

(AP)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration won't take any regulatory action over a vending machine at a Pennsylvania college that dispenses the morning-after pill.


HIV home testing kits prove their worth

Thirty years into the HIV epidemic, many people who are at high risk of HIV infection cannot or will not adopt safer sexual practices, such as abstinence and condom use. This means there is room in the market for alternative ...


Pyeongchang sets Winter Olympic record - for condoms

This month's Winter Olympics in South Korea will set a record even before the first athlete comes out of a starting gate, organisers said Thursday—for the largest number of free condoms handed out at a Winter Games.

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