Namibia forced to roll back free condom programme

Reduced donor funding has forced the Namibian government to shrink the supply of free condoms, a government report said Tuesday, threatening the country's fight against sexually transmitted diseases.


Sex and BC East Asian teenagers

A new study by University of British Columbia researchers shows that although 90 per cent of East Asian adolescents in British Columbia are not sexually active, those who are may engage in high-risk sexual behaviours.


OTC morning-after pill sales coming—but not yet

Don't look for the morning-after pill to move next to the condoms on drugstore shelves right away. But after a fight that's last more than a decade, it appears it really will happen. Backed into a corner by a series of court ...


Ghana recalls 120 million faulty Chinese condoms

Ghana is recalling a shipment of 120 million Chinese-made condoms distributed to charities in the country after testing showed that they were riddled with holes and prone to breaking, an official said Tuesday.


Hong Kong sees 17-percent rise in HIV cases

Hong Kong saw a 17-percent jump in the number of new HIV infections in 2012, driven mainly by sexual transmission, data showed Wednesday, bucking a regional trend of decline.


FDA won't regulate Pa. birth control machine

(AP)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration won't take any regulatory action over a vending machine at a Pennsylvania college that dispenses the morning-after pill.

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