
Babies born with broken hearts

More than 35,000 babies are born with life-threatening congenital heart defects every year in the United States. Fetal single ventricle defects can be identified with echocardiograms. In the first months of life, surgeries ...


Boy with heart defects thrives after 'time bomb' delivery

During the last few months of her pregnancy, Lisa Livesay closed the door to the nursery she and her husband, Chris, had created for their third child. She couldn't bear to look inside, not knowing if the cozy space would ...


Neonatal pig hearts can heal from heart attack

While pigs still cannot fly, researchers have discovered that the hearts of newborn piglets do have one remarkable ability. They can almost completely heal themselves after experimental heart attacks.


New findings show that for heart health, environment matters

Working with colleagues in the U.S. and in China, University at Albany School of Public Health faculty and students have released new findings about the cardiovascular health impacts of environmental factors, including results ...


Common virus causes heart defects in mice

A virus that infects millions of Americans every year may on occasion cause heart defects during the early stages of pregnancy, a new study in mice suggests. The findings may give researchers further insights into the causes ...


New rules on saving kids stricken with cardiac arrest

Saving a child with heart disease whose heart has stopped requires a different approach than reviving a child with a healthy heart, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association.

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