Medical research

Studying consciousness without affecting it

Studies of consciousness often run into a common conundrum of science—it's hard to measure a system without the measurement affecting the system. Researchers assessing consciousness, for instance as volunteers receive anesthesia, ...


A combined method for detecting consciousness

The combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography constitutes a new method allowing the traces of conscious activity to be revealed in brain injured patients.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Words can sound 'round' or 'sharp' without us realizing it

Our tendency to match specific sounds with specific shapes, even abstract shapes, is so fundamental that it guides perception before we are consciously aware of it, according to new research in Psychological Science, a journal ...


Anesthetic drastically diverts the travel of brain waves

Imagine the conscious brain as a sea roiling with the collisions and dispersals of waves of different sizes and shapes, swirling around and flowing across in many different directions. Now imagine that an ocean liner lumbers ...

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