
Study shows complex ideas can enter consciousness automatically

It's difficult to look at pictures of cars shown on a computer and then keep yourself from saying "car" inside your head the next time one shows up on the screen—even when someone tells you to avoid saying it. Now, a new ...


What makes us conscious?

Do you think that the machine you are reading this story on, right now, has a feeling of "what it is like" to be in its state?


Unpacking the toolkit of human consciousness

No matter how different they seem—the learned and contemplative neuroscientist versus the toy orangutan with a penchant for off-color jokes—almost any adult who experiences them knows that Princeton University professor ...


Scientists jump-start two people's brains after coma

In 2016, a team led by UCLA's Martin Monti reported that a 25-year-old man recovering from a coma had made remarkable progress following a treatment to jump-start his brain using ultrasound.


Brain study explores what makes colors and numbers collide

Someone with the condition known as grapheme-color synesthesia might experience the number 2 in turquoise or the letter S in magenta. Now, researchers reporting their findings online in the Cell Press journal Current Biology ...

Medical research

Role of dopamine in consciousness

Consciousness is arguably the most important scientific topic there is. Without consciousness, there would after all be no science. But while we all know what it is like to be conscious—meaning that we have personal awareness ...

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