
Young people at higher risk for stroke

Fifteen percent of the most common type of strokes occur in adolescents and young adults, and more young people are showing risk factors for such strokes, according to a report in the journal Neurology.


Waking the dead? Some things you should know about dying

Not content with saving lives, doctors are now credited with (accused of?) bringing the dead back to life. But how true are the stories we hear about people "coming back" from being dead and how does it work?


Emotional stress may trigger heart attack

(Medical Xpress)—Heart attack survivors who live alone and people exposed to extreme stress from events such as natural disasters or sporting events are at greater risk of heart attack, according to a Heart Foundation study ...


New statement released by anticoagulation forum

(HealthDay)—The Anticoagulation Forum has endorsed a new consensus statement aimed at optimizing the delivery of anticoagulation therapy to inpatients; the statement has been published in the May issue of the Annals of ...


Preterm infants may need 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day

Preterm infants may need to be given 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day to ensure they develop strong bones, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 5, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual ...


Physicians debate whether patients need to know they're dying

In the days when American physicians dispensed oracular commands and their judgments were rarely questioned, a doctor could take it upon himself with few ethical qualms to keep from a patient the bad news of a terminal diagnosis.

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