Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Violence, vaccine fears keep polio from disappearing

Sixty years after the first successful polio vaccine trial, the disease has been wiped out in much of the world, but violence, conspiracy theories and lack of cash keep it from disappearing.


Half of at-risk older adults aren't getting routine HIV screening

One in four people with HIV/AIDS is over 50, yet older adults are more often diagnosed at a late stage than younger people. Despite this, nearly half of older adults visiting a public health clinic where HIV/AIDS is prevalent ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What motivates rejection of (climate) science?

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers from The University of Western Australia have examined what motivates people who are greatly involved in the climate debate to reject scientific evidence.


Top US government scientist grilled on COVID

Former US government scientist Anthony Fauci angrily denied covering up the origins of COVID-19 Monday in his first public congressional testimony since retiring as the face of the fight against the pandemic.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO warns of 'fake news' after Musk pandemic treaty tweet

The World Health Organization on Thursday warned against "fake news" after Twitter boss Elon Musk tweeted that countries should not "cede authority to WHO" amid negotiations over a new pandemic treaty.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How false vaccine rumors take hold

Rumors spread faster than ever nowadays thanks to social media, and it is easy to get carried away. Some people are also inherently more vulnerable to conspiracy theories. However, skeptics' concerns should be addressed, ...

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