
How understanding neighborhoods can help reduce tobacco use

A Penn State researcher testing a new way to assess tobacco use with a neighborhood mapping platform and in-person interviews has found that community engagement is key to addressing risky health behaviors.


New study uncovers the dangers of portable pools

As the weather gets warmer, many parents will turn to pools to keep their family cool. Due to their low cost and ease of use, portable pools - which include wading pools, inflatable pools and soft-sided, self-rising pools ...


University of NH will stop selling energy drinks

(AP) -- The University of New Hampshire has backtracked on its just-announced plan to stop selling energy drinks on campus, saying it needs more time to study the idea and gather input from students.


Tobacco experts praise Australian vaping law loophole closure

Leading Australian tobacco control experts have praised the Federal Government's plans to close vaping law loopholes, calling for the proposed reforms to be introduced urgently to grasp the opportunity to end the youth vaping ...


New York law stubs out synthetic marijuana

Synthetic marijuana, which is sold openly in shops and gives smokers a high, was banned Thursday across New York after being linked to serious health risks.

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