
A tasty and nutritious way to prepare fish

(HealthDay)—Want to get more fish in your diet with a lot more flavor? This two-step technique yields a crispy outside and flaky fish within.


Time to cook is a luxury many families don't have

Have Americans forgotten how to cook? Many lament the fact that Americans spend less time cooking than they did in previous generations. Whereas women spent nearly two hours a day in the kitchen in 1965, they spent a little ...


Canola oil gets undeserved bad rap

In response to a recent column in which I suggested canola oil as one good choice for popping corn "since it is low in saturated fat and has a high enough smoke point not to burn at higher temperatures," a reader from Capitola ...


How to choose the right cooking oils

(HealthDay)—Oils are one of the most widely used ingredients in cooking and are healthy alternatives to butter and margarine.


Get the most from frozen vegetables

(HealthDay)—When it comes to cooking veggies, fresh from the farmer's market always tastes best. But when you're cooking produce out of season, head to the freezer section of your favorite store.

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