
Guilt, cooperation linked by neural network

(Medical Xpress) -- Economic models backed up by fMRI scans offer new insights on why people choose to cooperate rather than act selfishly.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using Pacman to study cooperative behavior

Intense focus pervades the EEG laboratory at the University of Konstanz on this day of experimentation. In separate labs, two participants, connected by screens, engage in the computer game Pacman. The burning question: Can ...

Medical economics

What long-term care looks like around the world

Around the world, wealthy countries are struggling to afford long-term care for rapidly aging populations. Most spend more than the United States through government funding or insurance that individuals are legally required ...

Oncology & Cancer

Does eating processed meats cause colorectal cancer?

They're integral to summer, as ubiquitous as a zinced-up nose or a backyard cricket game. From December onward, walk into any gathering and processed meats are being served. It's the bacon sizzling on the barbecue, the cured ...

Medical economics

How can a welfare state boost population health?

Welfare state decommodification is associated with a lower age-standardized death rate and improved population health due to both direct and indirect mechanisms, according to a new study published this week in the open-access ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How to prepare your child for a COVID test

We've been urged to get COVID tested even if we have mild symptoms. Or perhaps we don't have symptoms but are a close or casual contact of a known case. This includes children.

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