Autism spectrum disorders

Neuroscientists reverse autism symptoms

Autism has diverse genetic causes, most of which are still unknown. About 1 percent of people with autism are missing a gene called Shank3, which is critical for brain development. Without this gene, individuals develop typical ...


New target to wipe pain away mapped

Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have discovered a peptide that short circuits a pathway for chronic pain. Unlike current treatments this peptide does not exhibit deleterious side effects such as ...


Deep brain stimulation and exercise restore movement in ataxia

New research from Baylor College of Medicine scientists shows that a combination of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and exercise has potential benefits for treating ataxia, a rare genetic neurodegenerative disease characterized ...


MRI scans could improve our understanding of dyspraxia

A new research team at The University of Nottingham is using MRI scanning to learn more about the role of the cerebellum in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) – the motor skills disorder also known as Dyspraxia.

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Coordination is the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect to fulfill desired goals in an organization.Coordination is a managerial function in which different activities of the business are properly adjusted and interlinked.

Coordination may also refer to:

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