
Results of the FREEDOM sub study reported

According to a recent study of diabetic patients who underwent revascularization for multi-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD), patients treated with insulin experienced more major adverse cardiovascular events after revascularization ...


Results of the ADVISE II trial presented

A new study supports the use of instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR), to simplify assessment and determine the severity of coronary artery disease. ADVISE II findings were presented today at the 25th annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular ...


Off-pump bypass better for high-risk patients

Bypass surgery done without a heart-lung machine, known as off-pump, may provide better post-operative outcomes than on-pump bypass surgery for high-risk patients, according to research presented today at the American College ...


Similar outcomes in older patients with on- or off-pump bypass

Older patients did as well after undergoing coronary bypass surgery off-pump as they did with the more costly "on-pump" procedure using a heart-lung machine to circulate blood and oxygen through the body during surgery, according ...


Study shows on-pump bypass comparable to off-pump at year mark

Patients who underwent heart bypass surgery without a heart- lung machine did as well one year later as patients whose hearts were connected to a pump during surgery in a study presented today at the American College of Cardiology's ...

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