
Study calls heart imaging into question for mild chest pain

People checked with a heart CT scan after seeing a doctor for chest pain have no less risk of heart attack, dying or being hospitalized months later than those who take a simple treadmill test or other older exam, finds a ...


Researchers use radiomics to predict heart attacks

Researchers are using an approach called radiomics to predict future cardiac events like heart attacks, according to a study published in Radiology. Radiomics allows researchers to extract quantitative, or measurable, data ...


Even mild coronary artery disease puts diabetic patients at risk

According to a new long-term study, diabetic patients with even mild coronary artery disease face the same relative risk for a heart attack or other major adverse heart events as diabetics with serious single-vessel obstructive ...


The next stage of heart function testing

A new non-invasive technique for measuring how well the heart and blood vessels function in patients already suffering from coronary artery disease could, in a single test, identify which abnormally narrowed blood vessels ...

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