
For preterm infants, skin-to-skin contact affects

For premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), skin-to-skin contact with parents influences levels of hormones related to mother-infant attachment (oxytocin) and stress (cortisol) - and may increase parents' ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress heightens fear of threats from the past

Recognizing threats is an essential function of the human mind—think "fight or flight"—one that is aided by past negative experiences. But when older memories are coupled with stress, individuals are likely to perceive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic adversity dampens dopamine production

People exposed to a lifetime of psychosocial adversity may have an impaired ability to produce the dopamine levels needed for coping with acutely stressful situations.

Medical research

Men who do exercise produce better quality semen

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Cordoba links moderate physical activity in males with better hormone levels and sperm characteristics that favour reproduction compared to sedentary men.

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