
Court reinstates most Texas abortion restrictions

A U.S. appeals court on Thursday issued a ruling reinstating most of Texas' tough new abortion restrictions, which means as many as 12 clinics won't be able to perform the procedure starting as soon as Friday.


Ireland approves 'life-saving' abortions for first time

Irish lawmakers on Friday overwhelmingly approved abortion for the first time in limited cases where the mother's life is at risk, in a vote that revealed deep divisions in the predominantly Catholic nation.


Irish deputies back abortion in limited cases

Irish lawmakers voted early Friday to back controversial new legislation that will allow abortion in limited cases, after the death last year of an Indian woman due to complications from her pregnancy.


Analysis of Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage

With this morning's landmark Supreme Court rulings –– and Gov. Jerry Brown's announcement that county clerks will soon begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples –– California becomes the 13th state to legalize ...


OTC morning-after pill sales coming—but not yet

Don't look for the morning-after pill to move next to the condoms on drugstore shelves right away. But after a fight that's last more than a decade, it appears it really will happen. Backed into a corner by a series of court ...


Patenting the human genome

Can human genes be patented? That was the question posed by Alan J. Snyder, vice president and associate provost for research and graduate studies at Lehigh, and Lee Kaplan, scientific director of cellular and molecular genetics ...


US state moves forward on strictest abortion laws (Update)

North Dakota moved closer Friday to having the strictest abortion laws in the U.S., with its House of Representatives approving a measure that would outlaw the procedure after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the disputed premise ...

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