
Help for chocoholics

Does a bowl full of luscious Lindt balls make you drool? Or can you learn to turn those cravings into other thoughts?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Unhealthy cravings curbed by smartphone treatment

What if an app could recognise when you are craving unhealthy food and give you a notification to warn you not to eat it? Researchers in the EU are working to make this a reality for those with eating disorders.


Low-calorie restaurant menus: Are they making us fat?

Depending on our food cravings, the number of items served, and even the time of day, ordering a meal at a restaurant often requires a "narrowing down" decision making process. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer ...

Overweight & Obesity

Brain stimulation may reduce food cravings as obesity treatment

Stimulating the brain to alter its intrinsic reward system shows promise in the treatment of obesity, according to results presented in Barcelona at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. The technique ...


Quick fixes: 3 ways to combat food cravings

(HealthDay)—If you think your inability to control food cravings is all in your head, you're right. Losing weight is about more than cutting calories—you also have to resist food urges.


Four strategies to cope with a food craving

(HealthDay)—Sticking with a diet starts with having a plan that maps out meals and snacks based on foods that help you feel full longer. After all, if you feel satisfied, you'll be less likely to rummage through your kitchen ...

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