Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antique parasite worms its way into human history

Forensic sleuths said Thursday they had found the oldest known egg of the bilharzia parasite, revealing how human advancement enabled a tiny freshwater worm to become a curse for millions.


New York is central in modified-food label debate

Agricultural, food and beverage companies have spent millions of dollars to defeat legislation in New York state that would require labels on food containing ingredients from genetically modified crops, highlighting the state's ...


Vermont law requires labeling of GMO foods

Vermont's governor signed a law Thursday that puts the state on the path to be the first in the U.S. to require labeling of genetically modified foods, and he promptly announced an online fundraiser to fight expected legal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Deadly diarrhea caused by wastewater on crops

Researchers have identified that the use of wastewater to irrigate vegetable crops, which is common across developing countries, may significantly contribute to deadly health risks such as rotavirus, a major cause of diarrheal ...


Bayer says new products push profits higher in Q3

German chemicals and pharmaceuticals group Bayer, maker of Aspirin, said on Thursday that new pharmaceutical products and favourable agrochemical prices gave profits a fillip in the third quarter.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Salad mix production halted after stomach bug

(AP)—A California company has voluntarily suspended production of salad mix at a Mexico processing facility that has been linked to an outbreak of stomach illnesses in Iowa and Nebraska.


Fuel smoke linked to cardiovascular issues

(Medical Xpress)—Rural households in developing countries often rely on burning biomass, such as wood, animal dung and waste from agricultural crops, to cook and heat their homes. The practice is long known to cause lung ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intent to harm: Willful acts seem more damaging

How harmful we perceive an act to be depends on whether we see the act as intentional, reveals new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

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