Overweight & Obesity

Calories in, calories out – obesity and the energy imbalance gap

The prevailing notion about obesity is that if we just work out harder and eat a little bit better, then perhaps the obesity trend will subside in a few years. However, the key to really making a difference is food – the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fighting prejudice by admitting it

"Every single person in this room is prejudiced," said Gail Price-Wise to the more than 100 people assembled in the Student Organization Center at Hilles. With that provocative opening salvo, Price-Wise spent the next 2½ ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children quickly adopt ritualistic behavior, study shows

(Medical Xpress)—Although rituals such as shaking hands or saying, "bless you" after a sneeze don't make practical sense, these arbitrary social conventions give people a sense of belonging in a particular social group. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Engaging in a brief cultural activity can reduce implicit prejudice

A small cue of social connection to someone from another group—such as a shared interest—can help reduce prejudice immediately and up to six months later, according to new research published in Psychological Science, ...


China begins phasing out prisoner organs next year

China will start phasing out its reliance on organs from executed prisoners for transplants early next year as a new national donation system is implemented, a government-appointed expert has said.

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