Oncology & Cancer

Practice-changing trial results for advanced melanoma skin cancer

Determining the optimal treatment sequence for patients with BRAF V600 mutant metastatic melanoma was the focus of the DREAMseq phase 3 clinical trial. The combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab (N/I), followed by the combination ...


New research a 'step change' for diabetes patients

Millions of people with diabetes are at risk of developing foot ulcers, which often lead to amputations and other health complications. Now, Scientists from the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies (CRBT) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI-based tool detects bipolar disorder at earlier stages

Many people with early-stage or first-episode bipolar disorder have cognitive deficits, such as issues with visual processing and spatial memory, but those deficits are often so subtle that the disorder can go undiagnosed ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotics for C-sections effective after umbilical cord clamped

Antibiotics for cesarean section births are just as effective when they're given after the umbilical cord is clamped as before clamping—the current practice—and could benefit newborns' developing microbiomes, according ...

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