
Researcher finds not all performance enhancers are illegal

According to a study supervised by Ithaca College's Exercise and Sport Sciences Chair Thomas Swensen, betaine—a nutrient found in shellfish and beets—boosts athletic performance by nearly six percent when added to a sports ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Paris U-turn on masks for cyclists, runners

Paris authorities made a last-minute about-turn Friday on a new requirement for universal mask-wearing, exempting cyclists and joggers from the otherwise blanket outdoors obligation.


Cyclist's benefit from helmets clearly shown

Cyclists who don't wear a helmet are almost six times more likely to suffer a severe head injury than their helmeted counterparts, according University of Sydney research published in the latest issue of the Medical Journal ...


On your bike?

A James Cook University researcher says a lack of suitable roads is a big reason why cycling participation rates in Australia and Queensland are so low.

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