Gerontology & Geriatrics

Tips for reducing risk of hearing loss

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently realized that I often ask people to repeat themselves, and I must turn up the volume on the TV louder than before. How do I know if I have hearing loss? I am 46. Aren't I too young for hearing ...


Q&A: Additional opinions helpful in treating back pain

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am in my late 50s and have an active lifestyle. I have had two prior surgeries for a herniated lumbar disk. Recently, I began to have leg pain, which occurred previously, so I believe I must have another ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you do every day matters: The power of routines

The word "routine" can bring to mind words like mundane or ordinary. During the pandemic's disruptions to daily life, routines may have felt boring and restrictive. However, as an occupational therapist and researcher of ...


Why daylight saving time is unhealthy: A neurologist explains

As people in the U.S. prepare to turn their clocks ahead one hour in mid-March, I find myself bracing for the annual ritual of media stories about the disruptions to daily routines caused by switching from standard time to ...


'Maladaptive' coping mechanisms contribute to poor sleep quality

Most patients with sleep problems adopt maladaptive coping strategies—such as taking sleep aids, using caffeine, and taking daytime naps—that may actually contribute to decreased sleep quality, reports a study in The ...

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