
Supporting farming families during times of stress

It is well documented that farmers have high suicide rates and levels of depression, and there is a connection between the economy, financial stress and mental illness within farming communities.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Heredity explains African-American paradox, researcher says

Research from a University of North Texas historian supports the idea that the nation and region of origin of your ancestors contributes to your risk of developing, or not developing, a growing list of medical conditions.


FDA study finds little evidence of antibiotics in milk

In an encouraging development for consumers worried about antibiotics in their milk, a new Food and Drug Administration study showed little evidence of drug contamination after surveying almost 2,000 dairy farms.


Children on dairy farms less likely to develop allergies

Children who live on farms that produce milk run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other rural children. According to researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, pregnant women may benefit from spending time on dairy ...

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